Islam for Muslims


These are the basis of belief in the Islamic religion, or what is known as 'Aqidah.  It is the creed and refers to the elements in the religion that Muslims should hold their conviction to.  It is the things that differentiate having faith in one religion vs having faith in another religion.

In Islam, there are 6:

  1. Belief in One God, Allah - He is the only one worthy of worship
  2. Belief in the Angels (ملائكة )
  3. Belief in the Books of Revelation that have been sent down
  4. Belief in all the Messengers or Rasul (رسول‎) sent down by Allah to guide the people
  5. Belief in the  and Day of Resurrection or Yaumul-Qiamah (يوم القيامة‎); and Day of Judgement or Yaumud-Din (يوم الدين‎)
  6. Belief in Destiny or Qadr (قدر‎)

The firm belief in all these 6 elements is what makes a Muslim a Muslim.  But having gaith alone is not enough.  Faith has to be accompanied with action.  Actions are the only way to demonstrate one's true commitment to the religion.  In fact, if no one knows the faith you belief in, your actions will speak it.  Who else prays 5 times a day except Muslims?  Or fast during the month of Ramadhan, or perform the pilgrimage to Mecca?  These clear evidence reflect your status as a Muslim even without you proclaiming your faith, because actions do speak louder than words.

With regard to the belief in One God, refer to the Recitations section on Suratul-Iklhas (سورة الإخلاص‎) or Fidelity which describes the Oneness of Allah.

An elaboration about Qadr (قدر‎). Some scholars translate this to predestination, and causes confusion to some as it goes against the concept of free will in Islam.  Destiny is a concept that transcends.  This is how I've come to understand Destiny in Islam.  Things can occur in either of one way - predictably (ie as a reaction to my action; example, if I were to study hard for my exams, I will pass my exams) or unpredictably (ie. has no direct or rationale bearing to my action; example, I waited for the green man  to flash at the traffic junction but was hit by a drunk that swerved onto the kerb).

Allah's knowledge and wisdom is so vast that from the beginning of time, He knows what your actions, guided by free will will be.  He know that you're one who will pray, do good to your parents, fast and pay your Zakat and you do all these out of your own free will, and your destiny is Heaven.  He will also know when you'll forego your sholat, eat during the month of Ramadhan and hoard your riches without giving alms and your are destined to go to Hell.  You see, for both, you are still acting in your own free will.  God does not make you do these - these were choices you made yourself, a conscious decision.  Thus, when it is said that all has been written, it is to reflect the expanse of knowledge Allah has to the point that from the beginning, he knows what the End will be for you because of how you will exercise your free will.

Allah never robs you of your free will. But for the same reason, you are accountable for your actions.  Allah is Fair and no one can be fairer than Him.

With regards to events that are not a result of your actions (ie the unpredictable ones).  These can be considered some elements of tests and trials that Allah has set aside from you.  It is your reaction to these trials and tribulations that you will be accountable for.  Some blame God for his misfortune - he thus have not passed the test.  Some believe that God knows best, and he tawakkal (firm belief and reliance in Allah), he will be rewarded.  But the thing is this: Allah knows how you are going to react to this test that he had planned (thus this unpredictable event is the only thing that is predetermined, but your actions to these are not predetermined, but Allah's Knowledge and Wisdom of what you WILL do) and yes, all have been written down even before you were born.


There are 5 pillars of Islam - obligations that are expected of all Muslims and for which all Muslims would be judged by during the Day of Resurrection.

The 5 Pillars of Islam are:

  1. Reciting the Syahadah - or profession of monotheism (that there is only one God, Allah) and belief in Muhammad  ( صلى الله عليه وسلم ) is the Messenger of Allah. 
    • It is written as  أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله و أشهد أن محمد رسول الله
    • It means I bear witness that there is no god but God, and I bear witness that Mohammad is God's servant and His Messenger
  2. Performing the Shalat - the five obligatory prayers daily
  3. Performing Sawm (fasting) - the primary one being the dawn to dusk fast in the month of Ramadhan
  4. Giving Zakat (Alms)
  5. Performing Hajj to Mecca if you are able to